STEFDIES at The Other Art Fair – Brooklyn Nov23

Thrilled to announce that stefdies will be exhibiting at The Other Art Fair in Brooklyn! Come by from (th Nov 2023 to explore new pieces and join in on the fun. Can’t wait to see you there! 🌟 #stefdies #TheOtherArtFair #BrooklynArtScene

STEFDIES at BYOPAPER! – Arles, France

STEFDIES is going to France to partecipate the BYOPAPER! (BRING YOUR OWN PAPER!) Exhibition in Arles.

Papeteries Étienne – Trinquetaille
from 6pm until late at night

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STEFDIES at FemFest Exhibition and Fair

Summer is about to finish (did it ever start here in London?), but I have a fantastic event that you can’t miss. STEFDIES is exhibiting new works at FemFest by Sweet’ Art. The exhibition will be in two weeks on September 9th and 10th at Ugly Duck (between London Bridge and Bermondsey station).

Here is what you need to know:

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#STEFDIESWITHME at the Real/Virtual Festival – The Ugly Duck

STEFDIES’ first gallery exhibition at the Real/Virtual Festival wrapped last Sunday, and was a resounding success. The show took place from June 22nd – June 25th at Ugly Duck’s beautiful Southbank space at 47 /49 Tanner Street in London. Over 500 people visited the festival, and the audience response was amazing.

Many of you stopped by to have a chat with me, and the feedback and insight was incredibly valuable. Thank you to all of you that came!

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June 2017 – “Real/Virtual Festival” – The Ugly Duck (London)

STEFDIES is having its first exhibition in London at the Real/Virtual Festival â€“ The Ugly Duck, a festival exploring alternative realities through Art and Technology.

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